Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Strategy Behind The Crisis

09 July 2009 - I discovered a new phrase today that I'm sure you will be hearing a lot about in the not too distant future. Remember these words "Piven and Cloward" and then do your own research. I am an engineer. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I go where the verifiable facts take me. I have often scratched my head and wondered why such a talented group of people as is found in the Obama administration, (If you think they are all clueless then you are only deceiving yourself) would ignore facts and history, even logic, in some of their decisions. For instance, WHY run up the largest debt in the nation's history during such a severe financial crisis? Why stress an already overburdened infrastructure with policies such as cap and trade and national health care?

Read the article below and remember it was written in 2008:

link to American Thinker

Also google the book "Praxis for the Poor" online.

These are not conspiracy theories, but actual accounts in the first person with a clear legitimate history. It only takes time and a little bit of effort to connect the dots to see where our President is taking this country - not to an expanded role of government, but to the complete replacement of the capitalist system with a socialist state.

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