Thursday, June 02, 2005

Busting the Myths Of Illegal Immigration

Cobb Town Hall Addresses Illegal Immigration

June 1 2005 - Radio Station WGKA and Citizen Georgia hosted a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday night at the Theater on the Square in Marietta. The first topic addressed was that of illegal immigration and it's effects on Cobb County. Althought the invited opposition of Mexican Consulate representative Remedios Gomez Arnal and Sam Zamarripa failed to show up, State Senator Chip Rogers presented his side of the debate and answered questions from the audience for an hour.

I think it's time to bust some of the "myths" associated with this hot button issue. I think it is going to be THE number one issue in the 2006 elections at both the State and National level reaching emotional pitches usually reserved for the Abortion debate.

Myth #1 If you are against Illegal Immigration you are a racist.
Illegal Immigration is not a racial issue, Although Mexico is the biggest violator, our borders fall victim to Asians smuggled into the West Coast from the Pacific, Eastern Europeans brought in by the Russian Mafia, and Canadians invading the U.P.

Myth #2 Illegal Immigration helps the economy.
Illegal Immigration hurts the economy, the drain on public services caused by the excess burden of illegal immigration has forced hospitals to close and valuable law enforcement resources to be diverted from domestic crime issues. They divert millions of dollars from the U.S. economy when they send money out of country.

Myth #3 All Illegal Immigrants just want to come here to work hard and support their families.
This is a generalization that belies the truth. The South American Gang M-13, increased drug smuggling, and murderers coming into the U.S. and then fleeing back into Mexico to avoid extradition, are all results of our porous borders.

Myth #4 It is wrong to deny anyone social benefits.
When State resources are used by someone in this country illegally, because the availability of that resource is less than it's demand, you are denying that resource, education or health service, from a tax paying American Citizen.

Myth #5 Illegal Immigration doesn't hurt anyone.
Illegal immigration is not fair to the millions of legal immigrants who have played fair and spent great time and expense to enter the country in pursuit of the American Dream. It artificially inflates our taxes, by the requirement of additional social services. It threatens our national security by providing a cover for possible terrorist infiltration, and it diverts money from the U.S. economy.

I hope these points will help in the debate that is sure to continue for years to come. This issue is more than a matter of legality. It has social, economic, moral,and national security implications which will be felt for generations.

Al Meyer

SPLOST Debate at WGKA Town Hall