Saturday, July 08, 2006

Primaries Head for Final Stretch

July 8, 2006 - With the Fourth of July behind us, the Georgia Primaries are heading into the final stretch. The Cobb County GOP Barbecue was an unqualified success, attended by just about every GOP candidate whose name will appear on a Cobb County ballot. Nothing says "Southern Politics" like hot weather, sweet tea, barbecue and the Fourth of July.

The crowd was large and good humored. The straw poll results are still being hotly debated on the internet at both the peachbuzz and the AJC blogs.

Politics like American football is a full contact sport and anytime the stakes are high and the contest close you will see emotions get equally elevated. Witness the mudslinging in the Taylor-Cox and the Cagle-Reed campaigns.
The ultimate goal of politics is to affect idealogical and social change for the community and that always upsets a few people. I have seen the worst things said about some of the most noble people simply because they were upsetting the status quo. My advice to any voter is to attend a campaign event where you can meet the candidate one on one and question him on one or two relevent topics. It takes time and effort, sure, but eventually this is the best way to separate the pretenders from the contenders.

If you missed the Marietta parade this Tuesday, like I did, you can catch it on Comcast channel 23 at the following times:

July 8th at 4:30 p.m.
July 9th at 4:30 p.m.

Roy Barnes and the Democrats managed to find one more liberal minded, activist judge, who thought he was the ultimate "decider", to block the implementation of the voter I.D. Act. Don't worry, this poor excuse for a legal ruling will be quickly overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court.
Roy Barnes and the rest of the far left liberal democrats are about to go kicking and screaming into the Georgia political sunset. While the Jackass (okay, I know it is a mule) is an apt mascot for the party, I recommend a co-mascot of a dinosaur, a symbol of old ideas, old ways and a soon to be extinct ideology of victimization and fear.

Have a great weekend, and dont forget to vote July 18th!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Cobb GOP Picnic Tuesday

July 1, 2006 - The Cobb GOP will have their annual Fourth of July Picnic this Tuesday, July the Fourth at Jim Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road in Marietta, GA.The picnic will run from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

There is expected to be a lot of national news coverage and a "Surprise" activity. (You have been warned!) A straw poll will also be conducted. This will be agreat chance to meet the State and Local Republican candidates.

If you still need tickets you can purchase them from yours truly ($15.00 for members, $20.00 non-members) by emailing me For a $35.00 membership in the Cobb GOP, we will throw in a free ticket.

If you already have your ticket we are in desperate need of volunteers to work the ticket tables for the more than 1000 guests. You can e-mail me on that also. Just drop me a line with your phone number and I will call you back.

See you at the picnic!!