Thursday, May 17, 2007

What to Look for at the State Convention

May 17, 2007 - Just some thoughts on what the common delegate might see at the State Convention this year.

While the convention itself will be relatively dull in comparison to past conventions due to the lack of a race for State Chairman, here are some things to watch for:

The Americans For Prosperity and others pushing the Fair Tax. With the immigration debate all but lost based on today's news, this will be the new Holy Grail for Republican Grassroots activists. The clueless mainstream media will begin to "discover" the issue sometime this fall as momentum picks up.

Newt continuing his "Stealth" campaign for President at the Victory Dinner Friday night.

Fred Thompson supporters trying to gin up support.

Senators Isakson and Chambliss pushing the new immigration reform as a "good first step". Expect lots of opposition from the grassroots on this measure , only to be silenced by the State Party with a "go along to get along" attitude. We fought the good fight and lost. Tom Tancredo, where are you? Game Over.

Phil Kent promoting his book "Foundations of Betrayal". An apt title given the current immigration legislation.

Sue Everhart being congratulated endlessly as she assumes the State Leadership role. This Cobb County resident will run an effective administration with lots of backing from Republican officeholders. Congratulations Sue! It has been a long time coming.

Look for me to be wandering around aimlessly during various events on the delegate floor trying to find a good story . Share you stories here after the convention by emailing me at

Remember, politics is a contact sport!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Phil Kent Headlines Cobb GOP Breakfast

Saturday, 05 May 2007 - The May breakfast of the Cobb County Republican party was an interesting get together Saturday morning at William's brothers Barbecue. The crowd of close to 90 people included a rare appearance of Cobb County Commissioner Sam Olens, and his likely challenger, Bill Byrne, fellow blogger Buzz Brockaway, and future State GOP Chair Sue Everhart.

Phil Kent of the GA Gang (9:30 AM Sundays, WAGA-TV) promoted his new book "Foundations of Betrayal" and answered questions from the audience. Most of the questions centered on the Republican Debates last week and illegal immigration.

He posed the question "Which State GOP do you belong to?" Is it the big spending GOP, or the small government GOP?

Speaking of immigration the next round of battles over immigration reform (read: amnesty )have already started. With the reform legislation that was passed last year set to go into effect this July, both the Georgia Board of Reagents are holding hearings with the community to assess the impact of implementation. Now is the time to sound off! Follow the link below to learn the times and locations of the meetings and how you can make your opinion known.