Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cobb "Survives" Latin Day Of Dignity

Yesterday, March 24th was the opening round in the Final Chapter of the Illegal Immigration debate in Georgia. Sometime next week SB529 should be passed and the Govenor should sign it into law, and that will be that until the courts step in. The action to close Latin owned bussinesses and for immigrant workers to not report to work seem to bring out a couple of points that should not be lost in all the emotion of the debate.

These points are indisputable:

1. Not all Hispanic Immigrants are Illegal.

2. Not all Illegal Immigrants are Hispanic.

3. The law has no effect on legal immigrants.

Why have a boycott to protest the enforcement of illegal immigration laws titled as a Latin Day of Dignity?

In order turn an issue on law enforcement into a racial issue so the libs can play their favorite old tune-- the race card

Come on! Can't you guys on the left come up with something new for a change??

I'm sure it won't be long before the Reverend Jackson will be making a whistle stop appearance in Atlanta to help set things right. After all where ever there is racial strife or tension there's a camera to grab and money to be made !

I bet all the illegal Chinese, Brazilians, and British are really feeling left out.

Another hint to those protesting next time - try waving the American instead of the Mexican flag, you might get more sympathy from the American public. - They already love ya down in old Mexico. ;)

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