Thursday, February 02, 2006

Cobb Takes Measures to Curb Illegals

February 2 ,2006 - Although no one will admit to it Cobb County has finally started to take initial steps to address the issue of illegal immigration. According to the Marietta Daily Journal , Cobb County commissioners unanimouslyapproved an ammended ordinance that restricts the the number of unrelated people living in the same house to 4. The revision is effective immediately and does not allow grandfathering.

The move was prompted by the case of Jose Cruz Rodriquez who was accused of housing 12 people in his home.

Fines will range from $100 to $1,000 and jail time. complaints can be filed online at under the community development agency icon.

What do you think??


Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC. Kudos to SOME leaders for finally taking steps to enforce the law and to help AMERICANS. If we wait on the feds to enforce the illegal immigration laws, we will be right where we are 20 years from now - only this will be a Spanish speaking nation that has become a 3rd world country as this hurricane called illegals leaves us as storm damaged/destroyed as Katrina left the Gulf coast. We are quickly sinking in the quick sand of another amnesty, and the constant and ever growing drain on all our social services that we can't fund now. Illegals need to go HOME and stay HOME till they can come to this country LEGALLY. We don't want them here, we don't need them here and they need to take their children with them. The auto citizenship law was enacted to protect the babies of slaves who were freed so their children could not be taken and sold. THAT law was never meant to be abused as it is today. Thank you Cobb County.

Anonymous said...

I realize this is an old blog, but at what point do I have the right to select a school that limits my children's interaction with gang members or individuals with a violent history?

If there is a community that is being considered to be zoned for their school, and that community has a lot of gang activity, is it racist to say I don't want that behavior around my child?

I personally don't know a lot of white neighborhoods that the cobb county police are dealing with violent gangs. But if there were, I wouldn't want that neighborhood zoned for my child's school either.

Maybe we should stop pretending that race is the issue. It seems to me that the issue is about behaviors. If one race exhibits those behaviors more than another, that is a "tag along" issue, not "the" issue.

Maybe we should set stricter standards of acceptable behavior. No child left behind is fine, but I also think leaving gang bangers behind is just fine. It's their choice, and their consequence.

Putting students with a past record of violent behavior around my children won't make them less violent; it will only put my children at risk.

Gang members and violent people aren't vicitms of racism when others refuse to include them.

Expecting me to accept their standards as acceptable is unacceptable to me. And I have a right to protect my children from them!