Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tom Price Addresses GOP Breakfast

October 15, 2005 - Tom Price, U.S. Representative from Georgia's 6th District addressed the first Cobb County Republican Breakfast of October with a report on what was going on in Washington D. C. He said the following issues were the top priorities of the Republican Congress and would have serious effects on the citizens of Cobb County.

1. War on Terror
2. Taxes and the Fair Tax. - The Fair Tax movement has taken Washington by suprise according to Congressman Price, who says he has been inundated with requests for the Fair Tax book. Appearantly the grass roots movement has resulted in serious consideration being given by the Congress. Congressman Price said that President Bush's Commission on Tax Reform charged with fundemental reform dropped the ball and just wound up "tweeking" the system. The results of the Fair Tax movement will be evidenced in a fair tax vote on the House Floor sceduled for April 15th 2006.

3. Illegal Immigration - Congresssman Price has said Immigration Reform will be the button issue in '06. Look for passage of H.R. Bill 3693 and other legislation related to the Hostettler letter sent to President Bush on October 4.

4. The Budget Process - Congressman Price simply stated that the budget process was out of control and advocated a return to the Gramm - Rudman balanced budget approach.

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