Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Welcome to Cobb County's Newest Conservative Forum

March 03, 2005 - I hope this page will provide a forum for the discussion of political thoughts and ideas both locally and nationally. Cobb County is one of the bastions of conservative thought for both Georgia and the nation, producing the likes of Newt Gingrich and others. I plan to give an insite into the Cobb County political process, both the players and the processes which will determine the direction of the County over the next several years. For those curious about how the GOP works at the local level or wanting to find out how to become active at the local level this will be the place to begin. I plan on posting relevent links to both local and national organizations, discussing current political liturature, local, state and national legislation, and current events. I plan on throwing out my take on all these topics and hope you will take the time to do the same. I think there is a real need for easily accessable, intelligent discourse at the local level on polical matters.

I believe a well informed electorate is a well armed electorate better able to protect our freedoms and democratic traditions. Just as the printing press was a catalyst for the Rennaisance, the emergence of the electronic media will give cheap and easy access to area of political thought and encourage participation from areas of the electorate that have been more or less shut out until now by educational and economic barriers.

The elctronic media is also going to play an important role for the future of politics in Cobb County. As the demographics of Cobb, like the rest of the country go through dramatic change, the political organs of the county will take a cue from Howard Dean and rely more and more on a grassroots effort aided by the electronic media to access these new voters.

2005 may have only just arrived but the election campaigns of 2006 are already in motion. While Sonny Perdue will likely run unopposed in the GOP primary, the race for Lt. Governor is getting geared up with Ralph Reed and John Oxendine announcing early.

I will be attending the Cobb County GOP Convention this Saturday March the 5th at Pope High School for the election of State Delegates. I will be taking good notes posting my impressions here after the Convention. I don't expect a large turn out because of the non-election year and a lot of voter burnout after the Presidential election last November. This is the time of the campaign season to really get a good jump on the competion. It will be interesting to see who comes out early.

Until then;

Al Meyer
Precinct Chairman
Rocky Mountain 2 Precint
Cobb County Republican Party

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